Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gods Greatest Gift--- Children (Allen's Part)

After we had Bryanna, Shawn and I both knew we wanted to have at least one more child, however we had planned to wait a couple years. Well, God didn't think we needed to wait that long.
We've never told anyone the whole "true" story of how we found out about Allen. But I guess it's time...
Well I was working at US Bank in Owensboro, and on my way to work one morning I realized that my period was late, so since wal-mart was right beside it I pulled in and grabbed a pregnancy test. I got to work a little early so I just went in, dropped off my things, and went to the ladies room to take my test. It came back positive. I was excited but at the same time a little depressed thinking that Bryanna was so small and I didn't want her to loose any baby time with mommy and daddy.
I held it in all day, and that day after work, I had to go back to walmart to get Shawn and Bryanna's Valentines Day gift (since I waited till the last day the 14th to get them). When I got home I immediatly told Shawn the news. He too was excited.
We talked about it for a while about how excited we were, and how both of us still wanted to make sure that Bryanna got her "baby time." We talked about the changes that would have to be made to the house (all of which still haven't been done), changes in income, and all the other things you talk about when you find out your pregnant. We also decided not to tell anyone until we knew for sure.
It wasn't a week later when I got my period, so we decided well the test must have been wrong.
A couple weeks later, I ended up getting really sick, I couldn't eat or drink anything for 2 days and I had a horrible pain in my side. On the third Shawn finally talked me into going to Urgent Care. We went in and they did blood work.
They found that my white blood cell count was extremely high, which led them to think it was my apendix. They sent me home and told me to come back the next morning for an MRI and some more tests.
Shawn had to work that day, so Viv, took me. They did another blood test and the results where the same, so he started the paper work. In the middle of it he asked if I could be pregnant, I said well I don't think so but there is that posibility ( since what happened a couple weeks earlier... but Viv didn't know so I didn't want to say anything).
I went back and took a test and came back. A few minutes later the doctor came in and said, well no MRI we'll have to send you for an ultrasound instead, because your pregnant. Viv just looked at me with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.... we left to go get the ultrasound and I called Shawn and told him the news..... once again we were both excited. ( It turned out not to be my apendix just a virus).

So, after that I made an appointment with my OB that I had with Bryanna, and went in to find out my due date. It was Oct. 21st, 2008.... exactly one year and one month after Bryanna's.

Both of our Children, apparently like to be early, not on time.....

The night of the 16th, I had contractions off and on all night, but they were never regular. And then around 6 that morning they just stopped. Shawn didn't care, he was hopeing that I had dialated more and they would go ahead and induce me, so he took off and went with me to the doctor.
We had to stop by my parents for a minute and then off we went. No sooner did we leave their driveway did the contractions start again.... hard. So we were getting hopeful.
When we got there Dr. Nemec said that unless things had really changed then we would only pick when to have him.... but he hadnt examined me yet, so he did that without anything to be said, he gets up and We're waiting to as we guessed pick the date. He turns and looks at us and says, go on to the hospital its time to have a baby.
At 3:24 pm on Oct. 17th, 2008 Mr. Allen Evan Uthe inroduced himself......

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