Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gods Greastest Gift--- children (Bryanna's part)

Growing up I was always the type that didn't want to be responsible for anyone but myself. I never wanted kids because I didn't want to have to settle down and take care of someone. The day we found out I was pregnant with Bryanna, all of those feelings changed.
I was so excited that I was going to be a mom, and Shawn just couldn't wait to be a daddy. When we heard her heart beat we were even more anxious, we started from that day counting down how many days till her due date.
Then on Sept. 15th, 2007 she granted us with her presence. After a day of helping my husband and my Dad work on water lines, we had just finished up and Shawn and I ran to turn the water back on, came back to make sure everything was good and then waited for Dad to get up to go back to my parents house. As soon as we walked across the front yard my water broke. Shawn turns to look at me as if "why did you stop walking?" I just looked at him and dad, squeezed his hand a little and said " I swear I didn't pee my pants."
Just 6 short hours of labor ( I still don't know why everyone complains about it, it was a piece of cake), and 3 1/2 pushes later there was our screaming 8lb 7 oz little girl.
And thats just the beginning of Miss Bryanna Faith Uthe's story.....

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